Mar 2, 2013

Twilight (Stephanie Meyer)

 Rating: I would not read this again, nor would I bother recommending it.

What I Liked:
-the description of Bella's truck. Seems like a small thing, but that truck was really a nice background piece.
-it was soap-opera-y. While most people might consider that a con, I rather enjoyed the drama. Yes, it was dumb. And yes, it is okay to like dumb things. I liked the dumb in this book. It was fun.
-I did like that it was set in Washington. I actually wish they'd shown more of the setting.

What I Did Not Like:
-it was too long. It is one thing to push aside everything for a few hours and read a fluff book (and this is a fluff book, definitely), but I'm a very fast reader and this book took me over a day to read. In other words, what I read wasn't worth the time I spent reading it.
-the characters felt flat and dull. It takes a truly remarkable character to utterly disinterest me-- even the blandest background character usually sparks my interest. I like projecting my own personalities on said characters. But the fact is, I couldn't even do that with these characters. They were just names, with nothing even mildly interesting for my imagination to build on.

Personal Thoughts:
-I really wanted to like this book. I really did. I had a bunch of friends who liked it and I wanted to like it for their sake.
-In a way, I did actually like it. It was great to just turn off my brain for a day and read it. It gave me a pleasurable day of doing nothing. But at the end of the day, I don't think I took away a single scrap of... anything from this novel. Most of the time, no matter how bland the novel is, at least one character or idea catches my fancy. Not so for this novel.

you may also be interested:
-also, there are movies. In case you somehow managed to miss the trailers that play almost non-stop.

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